Saturday, December 17, 2011

2012 (Part-2)

A small word : Before reading this, read part-1, otherwise, you are going to miss part-1.
Story :
He stood looking at it. The thing did not move, nor it turned it's head. He went near it. Still it is still. He touched it's cheek, there is no response. He tried to press the cheek, but he couldn't. He tried again to press the cheeks, now using both his hands, but he couldn't. Then he realized, that he couldn't do it, since it is as hard as the hardened plaster of paris, that is used to make statues. He looked around. There is no one around him. Since no one witnessed the scene, he took a deep breath.

He continued jogging. Again something, splashed in to his mind. He jogs regularly, and this is the first time, there is a statue of that kind on his way. He went back, jogging again, to the same place. He inspected it, closely. There is a gold ring at it's feet. He picked it up carefully, and in the next second, the statue vanished. He took the ring, put it on the index finger of his left hand and continued jogging.

Again something splashed into his mind. That the ring may have some magical powers, due to two reasons. First, this is the first time he saw the statue and second, it vanished abruptly. He stopped jogging. He raised his left hand's index finger into sky and shouted

"If this ring has magical powers, the meteor should burst right now"

He then called his friend, Ramana through his mobile. After some long rings, finally Ramana lifted the phone

Hero - "Hey bro, are you watching tv now ?"
Ramana - "Dude, it's 6:00 AM now, let me sleep, bye"

And Ramana cut the phone. Ramana kept the phone in silent mode and started sleeping again. On one side, our hero, rang the phone again and again, but there's no response.While, on the otherside, Ramana is trying to memorize the dream, that was busted by our hero's call. But he couldn't, since the phone's vibration on the table, is like the buzzing of a mosquito near his ear. He went near the phone to switch it off, but saw, an sms from our hero. He opened it, it read "The meteor exploded in the outer space. Our earth is safe now, watch the news"

On the other side, our hero is jogging to his hostel where he stays, to open internet and see the first wonder he has performed with his ring.

Ramana, after reading the message, started to shake. Only one thing in his mind, "Did it happen for real ?"
He couldn't control his anxiousness. He immediately went near the tv, put the plug, took the remote and tuned to BBC News, the scrolling line at the bottom read

"Breaking news : The meteor burst in the outer space itself"

Ramana started dancing with happiness. He danced and danced till his energy fell, completely.

He then, tuned to CNN, to watch the special Morning News edition about how the meteor got burst. The news anchor started reading

 "The meteor got destroyed in the outer space itself. It was caused by another bigger meteor. The bigger one is on it's way to Jupiter. Due to head on collision, the bigger one changed it's course and it is now, coming towards the earth. The hope that a meteor could be destroyed by a rocket of NASA is completely absurd now, since the present meteor is fifty times the size of previous one"

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