Monday, August 20, 2012


Raju and Rani, in their 20's loved each other. Their phone conversation, tapped by a guy..

Raju - "Rani, I am sorry"
Rani - "I will kill you, if you don't come; and take me. I am getting married tommorrow morning. Don't you understand !!!"
Raju - "It's risky. More over, I don't have a job"
Rani - "No guy, shown in movies who elopes with a woman has a job. We can think of that later"
Raju - "No Rani. If I take you with me, I have a maximum of 1000$ in my bank. We go to a city, and with in 3 months, all of that will get exhausted. I can't"
Rani - "With in 3 months, you can get a job. If not, I will. More over, I have a lot of gold, brought for my marriage. I will bring it all. Please come and take me"
Raju - "then"

calculating in mind, "It's ok. I will come and take you. And we will be happy together. I will be on the road, that is back of your house in 10 min. Be there. And especially don't forget the gold"
Rani - "Ok"

Rani slowly opens the back door. A 24 year old guy, stands there. He is Lokesh.

Lokesh - "Where are you going ?"

Rani - "Do I need to tell you. First of all, who are you and why..?"
Lokesh - "I have tapped the phone"
Rani - "Please, help me; but don't stop me. I want to marry Raju"
Lokesh - "He is not the one for you"
Rani - "How can you..?"
Lokesh - "He got ready to take you out and elope, only when you told him, that you will bring money. That means, money decides your relationship. It won't stand long"
Rani - "Hmm, I haven't thought so"
Lokesh - "Think, take you time. Think about the parents, who brought you up with no ROI for 20 years and think of the guy who tried to get ROI on the very onset of your legal relationship"
Rani sat there, thinking. Then,
Rani - "Thank you. Now, if you go out, I will close the door and will marry the man, my parents have seen"
Lokesh went out. Rani went and stood beside the bride groom, while the marriage ritual started. Rani turned to look at the bridegroom. Surprise, it's Lokesh

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